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Rossa's Kitchen
Chef's Selection Recipes

Luna Rossa Home Gourmet Recipes
Roasted Peppers
Soups & Sauces
  1. Roasted Garlic &Yellow Pepper Soup
  2. Roasted Red Pepper Mayonnaise
  3. Roasted Red Pepper Coulis
  4. Roasted Red Pepper Rouille

Degree of Difficulty: 1
Makes 1 1/4 cups

1/2 cup drained Luna Rossa® Premium Roasted Sweet Red Peppers
1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

In a food processor or blender, puree peppers until finely chopped.

In a small bowl, combine butter and pureed peppers and mix well. Stir in black pepper. Proceed as suggested below or cover and refrigerate until firm.

Serve as a spread on bread or rolls, corn bread, biscuits, or crackers.

Ideas for easy but elegant presentations:

1. Fit a pastry bag with a 1/2-inch fluted tip. Fill the bag with Roasted Red Pepper Butter; then pipe onto a wax paper-lined tray. Refrigerate until firm.

2. When the butter is slightly chilled, using a butter curler or small melon baller, roll into butter curls or balls. To serve, place the curls/balls on top of crushed ice in a small bowl.

3. Place Roasted Red Pepper Butter on a sheet of plastic wrap. Roll into a 10-inch by 1-inch log. Refrigerate until firm. To serve, slice butter 1/4-inch thick. Using small appetizer cookie cutters, cut butter into desired shapes; refrigerate until serving time. Reserve scraps and re-roll.