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Rossa's Kitchen
Chef's Selection Recipes

Luna Rossa Home Gourmet Recipes
Roasted Peppers
  1. Artichoke Crostini
  2. Roasted Red Pepper Butter
  3. Tuscan Toast
  4. Artichokes with Red Pepper Dip
  5. Artichokes with Yellow Pepper Dip
  6. Artichokes, Roasted Peppers and Prosciutto

Degree of Difficulty: 1
Makes 1 1/4 cups

1/2 cup drained Luna Rossa® Premium Roasted Sweet Red Peppers
1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

In a food processor or blender, puree peppers until finely chopped.

In a small bowl, combine butter and pureed peppers and mix well. Stir in black pepper. Proceed as suggested below or cover and refrigerate until firm.

Serve as a spread on bread or rolls, corn bread, biscuits, or crackers.

Ideas for easy but elegant presentations:

1. Fit a pastry bag with a 1/2-inch fluted tip. Fill the bag with Roasted Red Pepper Butter; then pipe onto a wax paper-lined tray. Refrigerate until firm.

2. When the butter is slightly chilled, using a butter curler or small melon baller, roll into butter curls or balls. To serve, place the curls/balls on top of crushed ice in a small bowl.

3. Place Roasted Red Pepper Butter on a sheet of plastic wrap. Roll into a 10-inch by 1-inch log. Refrigerate until firm. To serve, slice butter 1/4-inch thick. Using small appetizer cookie cutters, cut butter into desired shapes; refrigerate until serving time. Reserve scraps and re-roll.